
Rural Employment

Why India is still under the threat of unemployment? 

People living in rural areas are still migrating to cities for employment and looking for a better life there. This problem was observed by "Team The Home Dekor" and an initiative was taken to give rural employment. 

Rural people are mostly agriculture dependent and don't have other sources of income, this makes their life miserable.
And these people strive for food, shelter and many times die under such scare’s conditions. Begging is not taught in any school, but people under poverty or unemployment has no other options. They go for work and finding no job are found begging on the streets. isn't it the scene? 


Big cities have rich and well-educated people but Alas! that population is very less and the population of beggars, 
unemployed, people suffering from malnutrition is on the majority side. And the rest percentage is of average people who are just taking care of their life. 

Yes, this is still a big issue and can't be solved in a single day. But The Home Dekor Team started their production in rural areas of Ramgarh Shekhawati so the art and culture may survive and don't die due to lack of employment. 
Ramgarh Shekhawati is a place where many artisans, carpenters with ancient knowledge of carving and designs are dying of unemployment. And now since 2009, the time when The Home Dekor started working here, the majority of unemployed youth got their minimum wages. And this reduced the migration of local people to urban cities. 


Establishment of Furniture Industries in Ramgarh Shekhawati, Sikar Rajasthan. 

Wow! this is why you should not miss the opportunity to visit Factory of The Home Dekor location: The Home DeKor,
Plot no. G-52 to G-55, Riico Industrial Area, Ramgarh Shekhawati, Dist. Sikar, Rajasthan 331024, INDIA

Is that all? Of course not, The Home Dekor did not settle there. Furniture industry run by THD is not just to make Furniture

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